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Annual General Meeting 2023

Posted on 13 October 2023
Annual General Meeting 2023

Last night we held our Annual General Meeting for 2023. Thank you to Tony & Mark's for hosting the meeting at their Zeea’s Cafe at Cavan.

One of the major outcomes from the meeting was the appointment of Michael Costantini onto the board of directors. Welcome aboard Michael!

Our full board structure now:

President - Rebecca Staltari

Vice President - Julie-Ann Finney

Treasurer - Jason Luccon

Secretary - Ronald Yates

Board Member - Paul Capobianco

Board Member - Nigel Leckie

Board Member - Michael Costantini

Thank you also to our patron Rosa Matto, all of our members and supporters over the past year. Nonna’s Cucina wouldn’t be where it is today without your support.

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